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philippine call center

It shows that call center industry is the fastest growing business. Call center agents are very patient and polite answering phone calls by their clients. They deserve to have a bonus increase in their salaries. I hope that this would also implement in the philippine call centers.

call center philippines

Call center agents should really deserve to have bonuses on their work. They work productively and they build good relationships between the company and their customers.

call center philippines

Call center agents are the lifeblood of call center companies. They deserved what they get.

bpo services

The efforts and successes they've done are rewarding. This is good for them.

Tyler Purcell

It's about time someone showed some respect to call center agents! People don't give agents enough credit, especially those in customer support. I have a call center in the philippines and many of my agents get yelled at for a living!

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