Who's most skeptical of the Democratic Party? People under the age of 34.
The belief that government can help solve problems facing our communities is what has always separated Democrats from Republicans. However, the rise of the unaffiliated voter shows that a growing number of New Mexicans are questioning whether the Democratic Party of New Mexico still stands for progress when it comes to solving the challenges facing communities today.
Of the 150,000 people who registered and voted in 2004, 56% were between 18 and 34. But when it came to choosing party affiliation, 30% of young voters chose to register without designating a party affiliation.
It isn't that more voters are joining the Republican party, it's that they're choosing not to join the Democratic Party.
New Mexico is a closed primary state. Voters who choose not to have a party affiliation choose to be disenfranchised in primary elections.
More and more voters are choosing no party instead of our party. We have to ask why? Is the rise of the independent voter in fact a vote of no-confidence in the Democratic Party of New Mexico?
The Democratic Party of New Mexico is no longer the party of the Majority in New Mexico. The question is whether we want to do something about it.
Next: Why Democrats lost the 2004 Presidential election in New Mexico.
Charts and stats courtesy of Research & Polling
Technorati Tags: 2008, 2008elections, Battleground, Congress, DNC, DPNM, GOP, newmexico, NM, Politics, Republicans, voting