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Veronica McDermott

I live in CA and there were comments on morning radio how the Bill Richardson and others are not well known enough, anyhow, it got me to thinking. I used to be a PR intern for the NM Democratic Party under Diane Denish, the then chair. I would love to get involved and help with campaign here in CA. We are NM residents, my husband is in the US Navy, which is why we are here. THere are many other NM families here from NM that I might be able to get involved! I can put a sign in my yard, I live in military housing! But I also live by a main street so it would be great for recognition and getting voters attention. If there is a group out here doing the campaign, I would love to help, in all aspects of the election of Bill Richardson. New Mexican's know how great he is, but voters in other states who don't keep up on politics might not be as aware of that fact. Thank you.

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