AUGUST 24, 2006 505-298-3662 (W)
A Tale of Two Executive Directors
(Albuquerque, NM) – Today, the Albuquerque Tribune offers us an article containing two poignant quotes which nicely exemplify the philosophical differences between the state Republican and Democrat Parties.
First consider the hubris of Matt Farrauto, executive director of the state Democrat Party. He says: “I think having a Republican in any statewide office is a disturbing thought, almost as bad as having Heather Wilson.”
Now compare that stridency with Marta Kramer, executive director of the state Republican Party. She says: “Wouldn’t you like to have a two-party system with checks and balances? That would restore integrity and correct what’s gone wrong.”
Farrauto greedily wants all the power; Kramer, in the wider interest of New Mexico, wants to share it.
“Given the seventy-seven years of one-party rule in New Mexico,” said Jonah Cohen, spokesman for the state Republican Party, “it’s not surprising that the sole dominant party, the Democrats, are now responsible for virtually every newspaper headline involving corruption in our state. Marta Kramer, not the strident Mr. Farrauto, is right here: a competitive two-party political system would help put an end to the government’s crimes in New Mexico.”
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Technorati Tags: Democrats, DNC, Elections, New Mexico, Patricia Madrid, Politics, Republicans
“Wouldn’t you like to have a two-party system with checks and balances?"
What a crock, have ole Marta Kramer tell that to Tom Delay or Gorge W. Bush or Dennis Hastert or Bill Frist. We would like a system with checks and balances in Washington too. Martas comment is what tells you the difference in the 2 parties, the Republicans tell you one thing and then do another. The general public has their number.
Posted by: Press Martin' | Sunday, August 27, 2006 at 03:04 PM