Democrats Scrambling To Organize Voter Turnout:
Top Democrats are increasingly concerned that they lack an effective plan to turn out voters this fall, creating tension among party leaders and prompting House Democrats to launch a fundraising effort aimed exclusively at mobilizing Democratic partisans.
At a meeting last week, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) criticized Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean for not spending enough party resources on get-out-the-vote efforts in the most competitive House and Senate races, according to congressional aides who were briefed on the exchange. Pelosi -- echoing a complaint common among Democratic lawmakers and operatives -- has warned privately that Democrats are at risk of going into the November midterm elections with a voter-mobilization plan that is underfunded and inferior to the proven turnout machine run by national Republicans.
And they don't even know what's not happening in New Mexico! Forget feet on the street, TO THE AIR WAVES!
Technorati Tags: Bill Richardson, Blogs, Congress, corruption, Democrats, DNC, Elections, Patricia Madrid, Politics, reform, Tax credit