Steve Terrell delivers a classic Terrellian piece today, giving us yet another Richardson euphemism, the Dutch Treat.
Governor’s Ameriquest contacts in question:
Dutch treat: Whether or not it’s connected with the contributions , the former principal owner of Ameriquest, Roland Arnall, did get at least one thing from Richardson. Last year, President Bush nominated Arnall to be ambassador to The Netherlands.Richardson endorsed the nomination , though many Democrats — notably U.S. Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts — were opposing him because of the classaction suit against Ameriquest. The nomination was stuck in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee for months. Only after Ameriquest settled with the states did the Senate finally confirm Arnall earlier this year.
Shipley said Richardson considers Arnall a friend. He said he didn’t know how long they have known each other. Richardson “respects him for being a leader of a very large company.”
Ya gotta love Shipley' defense of the Gov. It's almost Jon Goldsteinish in it's audacity. While Richardson may give billionaires like Roland Arnall the Dutch Treat, the public seems to get the Reach Around, with Goldstein and Shipley doing most of the work. To learn more about the Richardson Reach Around, stay tuned for thoughts on the implications of the State Supreme Court's decision to strike down the 2005 recount law.