Yesterday's Wonkette's coverage of Big Bill and his recent meeting at the mansion with campaign advisors prompted this bottmom bottom line from Joe Monahan: "whatever was discussed at the Mansion retreat, Big Bill has a delicate balancing act in running for Guv and also laying the groundwork for an 08' Prez run. He wants to do both without appearing to be riding too high on the Prez horse as he searches for votes on the ground in little ol' New Mexico."
But literally, if there are two things New Mexicans know about Bill Richardson, its that he's our Governor and that he's running for President. That's why Richardson's face appeared on billboards in Times Square and he braved the rain riding a float in the Rosebowl parade. The challenge for the Governor and his re-elect campaign is to avoid insulting voters by denying too vociferously that he, Richardson is running in 2008.
And after all, in 2002 it was Richardson's national ambitions that made many New Mexicans believe he'd have to follow through on his pledge to move the state forward if he wanted to have a shot at his life's ambition. And in many ways he has moved the state forward; we've got a train that's almost ready to roll just when gas prices are making us weak in the knees, we've got the space port, (+/-) and the Governor has worked to bring industry into New Mexico.
However, when it comes to judging Bill Richardson on moving New Mexico forward, job growth alone won't cut it. Moving New Mexico forward also means ending the three C's; corruption, cronyism and inCompetence. And for Richardson to be a credible Democratic candidate in 2008, requires being a Democratic leader in 2006-- associating Dems with something other than problems exposed in the Vigil trial, such as solutions.
If the Governor is serious about ethics reform in New Mexico, then AMEN. But, there's got to be something between now and the 2007 session to prove it. Joe Monahan made some legitimate suggestions. How about voluntary reporting of contributions within the 24 hour time frame of receipt. Not just for the Governor's campaign, but all statewide campaigns.
The Governor has an opportunity now to prove his presidential metal by being an ethical leader who doesn't have to wait for ethics reform to do what's needed to restore the publics' confidence in it's elected representatives and the Democratic party--- to remind people that politicians are public servants and not just self servants.