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How about waiting until the verdict is out. A judge has not rules on the Doctor's guilt and the Police Oversight Commission has not ruled on the guilt of the officer.

What is wrong with waiting before making judgment based on news accounts?

Darwin Rosevelt

Rusty, I think if you read our most recent posting on the issue you'll see that it's not merely about guilt but the city's negligence in allowing an officer who has been named in four suits still be on patrol. Regardless, we're still not going to Maloney's.


Your shouldn't make assumptions based on somethings you have read. Maloney's is a great place and the manager is always very professional. Besides, whenever I go to Maloney's on a Friday or Saturday night, it is always very packed and sometimes hard to get a drink, I think this guy is just blaming the world for the fact that he is black and that must be why he can't get a drink. That guy needs to get a life.


Your shouldn't make assumptions based on somethings you have read. Maloney's is a great place and the manager is always very professional. Besides, whenever I go to Maloney's on a Friday or Saturday night, it is always very packed and sometimes hard to get a drink, I think this guy is just blaming the world for the fact that he is black and that must be why he can't get a drink. That guy needs to get a life.


Your shouldn't make assumptions based on somethings you have read. Maloney's is a great place and the manager is always very professional. Besides, whenever I go to Maloney's on a Friday or Saturday night, it is always very packed and sometimes hard to get a drink, I think this guy is just blaming the world for the fact that he is black and that must be why he can't get a drink. That guy needs to get a life.


Your shouldn't make assumptions based on somethings you have read. Maloney's is a great place and the manager is always very professional. Besides, whenever I go to Maloney's on a Friday or Saturday night, it is always very packed and sometimes hard to get a drink, I think this guy is just blaming the world for the fact that he is black and that must be why he can't get a drink. That guy needs to get a life.


police should be required to always have on video cameras. this way it protects the good cops from lieng criminals and stops the bad cops from being lieing abusive criminals. also the citizens of albuquerque should be able to "vote" out cops they think are bad. An ordinary jury would do the trick.

about the post about waiting untill the verdict is in. it is pointless because the courts usually support the cops. the police oversite commision has huge problems also. The commision has 2 people who 100% always vote in favor of the cops.

and yes the mayor is responsible, though I haven't heard any candidates say they would do a better job. at least not yet.


looks like the verdict IS out. the police are guilty. suprise surprise. there are so many people who are always saying to wait for the verdict in these cases of police abuse but the fact is they always end up wrong. I can't think of one single case where a police misuse of power or all out abuse has happened and the police officer wasn't guilty. at a very minimum the findings are thet there wasn't enough evidence. I fully think the police should be required to wear a video camera at all times. no exceptions. maybe even 2 cameras so they can't accidentally break one of them. the good cops won't care because they are innocent and the bad cops will be caught.

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