I received the following emails from the State Party regarding a challenge to the Taos County delegation:
Dear Judicial Council Members:
Below is a letter from Chairman Wertheim to Vice Chair At-Large Annadelle Sanchez, who, as you know, serves as the Chair of the Democratic Party of New Mexico (DPNM) Judicial Council. The letter describes a challenge that Chairman Wertheim is referring to the Council's jurisdiction.
A meeting of the Council has been set for 3PM on Thursday, April 26th at the DPNM headquarters, 1301 San Pedro NE, Albuquerque, NM 87110. Council members ought to have already received an email notification from readycall.com about accessing the Council hearing via conference call.
The staff at the DPNM will be placing copies of this letter in the mail tomorrow. However, given the time frame, I wanted to let you know about this matter via email. In addition, because some of the exhibits provided in the challenge are on legal paper, while others are on regular (8.5"x11") paper, I am unable to scan these exhibits or fax contiguous pages. Copies are available at the Democratic Party of New Mexico and can be faxed (half of a legal page per regular page) to a fax number you provide.
Please do not hesitate to call with questions or to confirm your attendance or participation via conference call. (505) 830-3650.
CC: Announced candidates for DPNM Chair
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Annadelle Sanchez
Vice Chair At-Large, Democratic Party of New Mexico
920 Denton ST
Espanola, NM 87532
Dear Madame Vice-Chair:
I write to you in your capacity as chairperson of the Judicial Council of the Democratic Party of New Mexico and hereby invoke my authority under Rule 14-1(B) to request the Judicial Council interpret the party rules and review a challenge. Specifically, I request the Judicial Council interpret party rules as they were applied in the recent Taos County precinct elections, the Taos County Credentials Committee Meeting and the Taos County Central Committee Meeting. Additionally and also pursuant to my authority under Rule 14-1(B), I am placing the enclosed Challenge to the Taos County Delegates[sic] under the Judicial Council’s review and jurisdiction.
First, although I applaud what appears to be record setting participation in the recent Taos County Democratic Party elections, possible irregularities in some precinct elections have been brought to my attention that, in fairness and if true, deserve an airing before the Judicial Council with appropriate admonishment or other remedy. I have no information that any of these alleged irregularities were outcome determinative in either the election of Taos County officers or of members to the state central committee hailing from Taos County. That being said, however, persons with more knowledge than my own second- and third-hand information may wish to present it to the Judicial Council. I want to give any and every Democrat in Taos a chance to do just that.
Second, a law firm representing a group of individuals calling themselves Taos Democrats for Clean Elections (TDCE) hand-delivered a challenge to the Party Headquarters earlier today, April 24, 2007, a copy of which is enclosed. Although the challenge--because it neither had been previously presented to the Taos County Central Committee nor otherwise contained the signatures of five county chairs--lacked the required elements under Rule 14-1(B) to be filed before the Judicial Council on its own, I decided to place it before the council myself.
Here’s why: Although I disagree with the challenge for several reasons, I also recognize its proponents feel seriously aggrieved. I have every reason to believe in their good faith, and they deserve to be heard by the Judicial Council.
Curiously, shortly after delivering the challenge to headquarters, one of the TDCE’s lawyers called to tell me that the challenge had been withdrawn. This call came before I was even aware of the challenge. I do not know why the group withdrew the challenge or if they all reached a consensus to withdraw. So I am submitting the challenge notwithstanding this phone call. Additionally, TDCE may have decided that their requested remedy—to unseat the whole county delegation and re-run the election—was overly severe.
There are other, less draconian, remedies available, however. If the Judicial Council believes that the precinct apportionment in Taos violated party rules, it can offer appropriate admonishment or refer the matter to the Rules Committee for appropriate changes or clarification of the apportionment issue.
Any admonishment the Judicial Council chooses to issue with regards to the challenge should be directed solely to me. I personally reviewed the apportionment recommendation, approved it and directed Matt Farrauto and Joseph Casados to implement it. My beliefs about the issue are thoughtfully contained in Mr. Farrauto’s email included as Exhibit “C” to the challenge.
John Wertheim
Democratic Party of New Mexico
CC (without enclosures):
John Boyd
Sarah Berger
Robert Bishop
Margarita Denevan
Kelen Emery
Eugena Hauber
Theron Horton
Judith Hovetter
Suzy T. Kane
Thomas J. Kane
Bonnie Korman
Richard Montreau
Harvey Solomon
Kay Solomon
Charles Strong
Janet Webb
Linda Yardley
CC (with enclosures):
Brian Colon
Gideon Elliot
Michael Olguin
William J. Knight
Thomas “Chuby” Tafoya
Robert Beck
Melinda Whitley
Jason Bousliman
Agnes Maldonado
Stephanie Dubois
D. Matthew Runnels
Conny Maki
Martin Suazo