Using a regional model of organizing, the Democratic party can better allocate and distribute resources throughout the state and facilitate the growth of regional capacity, allowing the Democrats to address local and regional challenges in a manner that best suits those regions.
The Party's objective would be to have 5 regional Head Quarters by the caucus. Phase one of implementation would begin immediately, with 3 Headquarters opening, one in each Congressional district.
Opening additional Headquarters in CD 2 and 3, the locations of which would be decided in conjunction with the CD Vice-Chairs, would be the first step in ensuring state party resources are distributed statewide. The intent of opening Congressional District level HQ's first is to:
- Immediately incorporate the state's 6 CD Vice Chairs into the leadership and decision making processes of the party and development of its regional base capacity of membership service and party visibility.
- Provide SCC members with increased transparency and oversight of party operations and membership Return On Investment.
- Establish shorter supply lines between county party operations and state party resources by locating supplies at regional HQs.
- Allow staff to operate regionally, lowering transportation time and fuel costs and increasing their accessibility to party members.
- Increase communications amongst SCC members at the Congressional District Level.
- Identification of regional issues, priorities and benchmarks for progress
- Regional goals.
- Increase party visibility and activity in your community
According to Research & Polling's Brian Sanderoff, the state of New Mexico can be broken down into 5 distinct regions listed below. The final locations of the additional regional HQ's would be determined at a later date after the SCC had received recommendations and analysis from party members and staff.
Albuquerque Metro
- Bernalillo County
- Sandoval County
- Torrance County
- Valencia County
East Side:
- Chaves County
- Curry County
- DeBaca County
- Eddy County
- Harding County
- Lincoln County
- Quay County
- Roosevelt County
- Union County
North Central:
- Colfax County
- Guadalupe County
- Los Alamos County
- Mora County
- Rio Arriba County
- San Miguel County
- Santa Fe County
- Taos County
Northwest County
- Cibola County
- McKinley County
- San Juan County
- Catron County
- Dona Ana County
- Grant County
- Hidalgo County
- Luna County
- Otero County
- Sierra County
- Socorro County
I have to commend you for some excellent ideas. I like the idea of having regional HDQs but I don't like the idea of separating some of the counties in CD 2 from the others. It was also a bit disturbing to see that in the counties of overwhelming Democratic voting I still did not beat Pearce. Something is wrong with our County Party that is not helping the candidates get their message out better. I think you have some excellent ideas, and I look forward to meeting you Friday and Saturday. I called your number but missed you. I shall try once more tomorrow. Al K
Posted by: Albert Kissling | April 24, 2007 at 11:19 PM
Otero County is delighted to have Nate Cote representing House District 53, but that is only two precincts in Otero. The other 5 representatives (HD 51, 54, 56, 57, 59) are R, and represent, variously, portions of Chaves, Eddy, Lincoln and Otero. We have one D senator, Tim Jennings (SD 32) and 2 R, SD 34 and 40. These senators also represent , variously, portions of Chaves, Eddy, Lincoln and Otero. FURTHERMORE, one of the big guns in the R party and one who controls much of the politics in our region, is Rod Adair (SD 33) of Roswell. So I believe that Otero County needs to be part of the SE region, much as we like our friendly neighbors in Las Cruces.
And we need strong leadership in this difficult region, and the help Dr. Dean tried to give us, but which got sucked back to Albuquerque to help Madrid.
So, besides regional HQs, we need regional CONTROL of our 'field' organizers. Frankly, the East area is so gegraphically diffuse that I think we need a regional HQ in Roswell and an auxilliary one in, perhaps, Carlsbad.
PS you missed Lea (pronounced 'Lee") county, in the extreme SE corner of NM.
Ellen Wedum, Chair, DP Otero Co
candidate, House District 59
Posted by: Ellen Wedum | April 25, 2007 at 08:31 AM