5-1. Election of State Officers. The State Chairperson shall call a meeting, following the requirements of Rule 2-4.E, of the State Central Committee for the election, according to Rule 18-6.B.1, of state officers who in order of election and rank are: (a) Chairperson, (b) Vice-Chairperson At-Large who shall be of the sex opposite that of the Chairperson, (c) two (2) Vice-Chairpersons of opposite sex from each Congressional District elected by the respective members of the State Central Committee from each Congressional District, (d) Secretary, and (e) Treasurer. Each District Vice-Chairperson shall be elected separately by majority vote. The meeting shall be called not later than thirty (30) days after the county
elections of State Central Committee members. State officers need not be members of the State Central Committee.
The election of all party officers shall be called for and conducted so as to be completed in the last ten (10) days of April in odd-numbered years. Officers shall serve for two years or until their successors are elected. Members of the State Central Committee who serve by virtue of their offices shall cast votes for District Vice-Chairpersons in the Congressional District in which they reside.