The State Central Committee shall elect for confirmation by the Democratic National Committee a National Committeewoman and a National Committeeman for New Mexico. The election shall be held in the calendar year of the National Convention at a State Central Committee meeting which precedes the election of delegates to the National Convention. In such years a slate of nominees for Presidential Electors shall be submitted for nomination to the Post-Primary Convention by the State Chairperson (Chapter 1, Article 15, paragraphs 3.A and 3.B, Election Handbook of the State of New Mexico, 1999 Edition).
A vacancy occurring for National Committeeman or National Committeewoman shall be filled by majority vote of the State Central Committee. A vacancy among, or absence of, Presidential Electors shall be filled according to Chapter 1, Article 15, paragraphs 6.C and 7, Election Handbook of the State of New Mexico, 1999 Edition.