14-1. Powers and Duties. The Judicial Council shall adjudicate disputes arising the interpretation or application of Democratic Party Rules at all levels within the state. The decisions of the Judicial Council shall be subject to appeal by an aggrieved party only to a State Convention or the State Central Committee whose decision shall be final. The functions of the Judicial Council shall include but not be limited to the following:
A. Review challenges concerning the election of:
1. delegates to a State Convention
2. State Central Committee members
3. county officers.
4. County Central Committee members.
B. Interpret rules upon the written request of the State Chairperson or at least five (5) County
Chairpersons. Unless otherwise requested by the State Chairperson or at least five (5) county Chairpersons, the Judicial Council shall review on appeal only those challenges that were first presented to a County Central Committee or County Convention for action prior to appeal to the Judicial Council.