11-1. Call. As directed by a state call, the County Chairperson shall issue a call (Rule 9-1.A) for a County Convention to be held at a suitable public place on the date and at a time set by the State Chairperson, and shall fix a uniformly proportional number of delegates from each ward (or precinct if wards do not exist), based on a formula consistent with the election of additional State Central Committee members as provided in Rule 9-2.C.3. Publication of notice shall be according to Rule 2-4.E.
Only the State Chairperson may reschedule a state-called County Convention for a particular county if participation would be significantly improved. County-called conventions, for consideration of county matters, may be called by the County Chairperson or by written petition of at least two-thirds (2/3) of a county's Ward Chairpersons (or Precinct Chairpersons where wards do not exist). The scheduling shall be determined by county rules. A County Convention call may be amended only by a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the convention.