10-1. Election of County Officers. The County Chairperson shall call a meeting of the County Central Committee pursuant to the call issued by the State Chairperson for the selection of county officers and State Central Committee members. Publication of notice shall be according to Rule 2-4.E. Officers in order of rank are; (a) Chairperson, (b) a First Vice-Chairperson of the sex opposite that of the Chairperson, (c) if County Rules provide, a Second Vice-Chairperson who shall be of the same sex as that of the Chairperson, (d) Secretary, (e) Treasurer and such other officers as provided for in the county rules.
The County Central Committee shall elect the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson. The Chairperson shall appoint a Secretary and Treasurer. None of the officers need be members of the County Central Committee prior to being selected. The officers shall serve for two years of or until their successors are elected or appointed. All voting for officers shall be conducted by non-secret ballot according to Rule 18-6.B.1.