I. The purpose of this Affirmative Action Plan is to establish and implement an
aggressive Affirmative Action Policy for the DPNM. The Affirmative Action Plan is designed to:
A. Stimulate the entry into political participation in the Democratic Party processes of
those citizens who have failed to participate in such activities as a result of lack of knowledge of the political process, inexperience, culture, discrimination, poverty, language, transportation, or other limiting factors.
B. Promote the positive and continuing support of Affirmative Action by all levels of the DPNM.
C. Encourage increased opportunity for full and open participation in all party affairs including, but not limited to, the delegate selection process.
D. Provide increased opportunity for full and open participation in all Party affairs regardless of age, race, color, religion, creed, culture, ethnic identity, national origin, sex, economic status or sexual orientation. Special efforts shall be made to encourage participation on the part of youth, senior citizens, the poor, minorities, women, Native Americans and other traditionally under-represented groups.
II. The policy and procedure for establishing an Affirmative Action Plan is found in Rule 19A of the Delegate Selection Rules for the 1976 Democratic National Convention as follows:
"A Compliance Review Commission (CRC) consisting of twenty-five members shall be appointed no later than March 1, 1974, to administer and enforce affirmative action requirements for the National and State Democratic Parties; review affirmative action and delegate selection plans submitted by State Parties and approve or recommend changes in such lans; conduct periodic evaluations and provide technical assistance to State Parties on affirmative action and delegate selection implementation; hear and recommend solutions to affirmative action complaints unresolved by appropriate state party bodies; and serve as a preliminary Credentials Committee to hear delegate challenges and propose remedies."
The enabling legislation further states, according to rule 19D(a), (2), and (3):
"Each state party shall adopt an Affirmative Action Plan which shall be submitted to the CRC for approval on or before March 15, 1975. Such plans shall include provisions for the appointment of a representative State Affirmative Action Committee upon which members of the National Delegate Selection Commission from that State will serve if the member so desires, and the implementation by Party organizations of Affirmative Action as defined specifically in Rule 18. In the final six (6) months prior to the first step of the delegate selection process, each State Affirmative Action Plan shall give special attention to encouraging participation in and dissemination of information about the delegate selection process.
(1) Each state party shall provide an opportunity for public comment on the proposed Affirmative Action Plan for a Minimum of thirty (30) days prior to its submission to the Compliance Review Commission. All minority views submitted to state committees in writing shall accompany the proposal at the time of its submission.
(2) The Compliance Review Commission shall act on the proposed Affirmative Action Plan within sixty (60) days. Its decision shall be final and binding.
(3) Implementation of all State Affirmative Action Plans shall begin not later than July 15, 1975."
III. Responsibilities for Implementation of the Affirmative Action Plan.
A. The State Chairperson shall have primary responsibility for implementation of the Affirmative Action Plan. This person should also be responsible for providing moral support, fiscal resources, manpower, and opportunities needed to make the Affirmative Action Plan workable.
B. County Chairpersons shall be responsible directly to the State Chairperson for implementation of the Affirmative Action Plan. The County Chairperson may delegate authority to Ward or Precinct Chairpersons for the Affirmative Action Plan; however, accountability for compliance shall remain the prime responsibility of each respective County Chairperson. The County Chairpersons are expected to:
1. Be fair and objective in dealing with all Democrats.
2. Take positive steps to discuss the Affirmative Action Plan with all Ward and Precinct officials in their respective County.
3. Design media and educational programs concerning Affirmative Action Policies and Procedures based upon the distinctive needs and problems in each respective County.
4. Analyze Affirmative Action reports from Precinct Chairpersons and submit written progress reports, at least every six (6) months, directly to the State Chairperson who, in turn, must send them to the Affirmative Action Committee for review and compliance. Each County Chairperson must retain and preserve written Affirmative Action reports for a period of two years, which reports must be presented for inspection and review by the Affirmative Action Committee upon written demand.
5. Keep all party members fully informed on all party matters, including, but not limited to, registration, precinct meetings, fund-raising events, ward meetings, workshops, seminars, state party meetings, and all local state and national party conventions and committee meetings.
IV. The Affirmative Action Committee shall:
A. Serve as a review body of the DPNM with authority to determine fact and make conclusions based thereon to ensure full compliance with Affirmative Action in all Party Matters. Appeals from decisions of the Affirmative Action Committee shall be made to the Judicial Council. Enforcement of the decisions of the Affirmative Action Committee shall be the responsibility of the State n Chairperson.
B. Seek and recommend procedures for hearing complaints and for correcting or eliminating practices that limit participation in party affairs.
C. Evaluate the effectiveness of the Affirmative Action Plan and recommend to the DPNM amendments or revisions of the plan.
D. Report to the DPNM on the overall effectiveness of the Affirmative Action Plan.
E. Be appointed by the State Chairperson for two years, and may be reappointed. The Affirmative Action Committee shall be composed of seven members. Each Congressional District shall have at least two members on the Committee. Positions on the Committee shall be:
1. Chairperson.
2. Vice-Chairperson.
3. Secretary.
4. Four (4) members at large.
5. State Chairperson as specified in Rule 5-2.B. but non-voting.
V. Procedures for Implementation of the Affirmative Action Plan.
It shall be the responsibility of the State Chairperson through the Affirmative Action Committee to design a program that shall create an awareness of Affirmative Action policies and procedures and ways to obtain maximum participation. The program may consist of the following:
A. Media spots designed to fully inform the public of all party matters such as fund-raising events, meetings, Affirmative Action Plans, convention delegate selections. Spots would be included in, but not limited to, all minority related media in urban, rural and Native American areas.
B. Educational workshops held on a regularly scheduled basis. These workshops should be designed to encourage participation in all party affairs. Such workshops should be conducted in well-advertised public places that are easily accessible to the public.
C. Minority organizations, women's organizations, youth organizations, Native American organizations, labor, management, senior citizens, church groups, welfare rights organizations, and all others formerly excluded encouraged to attend educational workshops through a direct mailing process.
D. Speakers bureaus of persons who are familiar with the Affirmative Action policies and procedures. Such speakers shall be available to appear before groups of all kinds, as needed.
E. Printed brochures made available for distribution at all times. The information on the brochure should include the Affirmative Action Plan, information on how to participate in Ward and Precinct meetings, how to become a National Convention Delegate, names and addresses of State and County party officials, and information concerning party affairs.
F. Where appropriate, all information communicated in English, Spanish, and Native American languages in general use in New Mexico.
G. Publicized hearings to discuss party issues that have local, state, and national implications.
H. Notices of all party meetings posted in conspicuous public places and distributed to all media, including minority media. Where appropriate, notices should be posted in English, Spanish, and Native American languages.
I. Registration stations set up on a consistent day of the month to encourage full participation in the Democratic Party. These registration stations should be set up at schools, shopping centers, minority community centers, senior citizen centers, Indian tribal and chapter offices, and other areas where the need arises to include full participation.
J. All County conventions and Precinct meetings publicized, with the meeting agenda, at least fifteen (15) days in advance, and notices distributed to all media, minority and women-related organizations, labor unions, business and commercial groups, youth-related organizations, senior citizens-related organizations, Native America organizations, welfare rights organizations, and all formerly excluded groups. Where appropriate, notices should be printed in English, Spanish, and Native American languages.
VI. Complaints
Any registered Democrat may file a written complaint with the State Chairperson and/or her/his County Chairperson, setting forth in detail any alleged failure to comply with the Affirmative Action Plan. Within five (5) days after the receipt of such complaint the State Chairperson and/or County Chairperson shall forward it to the Affirmative Action Committee. The Affirmative Action Committee may summarily dismiss such complaints, hold hearings on such complaints, or take other appropriate action. The decision of the Affirmative Action Committee, following its review of any such complaints, shall be forwarded to the State Chairperson and/or County Chairperson for remedial action.
Amended April 21, 2001 by State Central Committee Democratic Party of New Mexico.
Diane Denish, Chairperson