7-2. Delegates and Alternate Delegates - Credentials and Challenges
A. Certification. The County Chairperson and Secretary shall certify the names, home postal and e-mail addresses and telephone numbers of the delegates and alternate delegates to a State Convention from their respective counties. Certification shall be sent to the DPNM Secretary at least ten (10) days prior to the date of the convention, and shall include the home postal and e-mail addresses and telephone number of the County Chairperson or other person who is to serve as chairperson of the delegation.
B. Challenges. Only a Democrat registered in the county may file a challenge to a county's delegates or alternate delegates. Any challenge to the certified delegates and alternate delegates to a State Convention shall be made in writing, and delivered to state headquarters or the DPNM Secretary at least seventy-two (72) hours prior to the convention. Challenges shall be referred to the Judicial Council. A challenger shall also deliver a copy of the challenge to the County Chairperson of the affected county at least seventy-two (72) hours prior to the date of the convention. The challenge shall specify the charges and identify by names and addresses the challengers and those challenged.
C. Adjudication of Challenges. If challenges have been filed, the Judicial Council shall convene no more than forty-eight (48) hours before the convention at a site designated by the State Chairperson with notice to all affected parties. After a hearing, the Judicial Council shall report to the convention the names and addresses of delegates and alternate delegates who it judges are entitled to participate in the convention. No challenged delegation may vote upon its own challenge when the convention considers the report of
the Judicial Council. Each challenge, recommendation and minority report of the Judicial Council shall be considered separately. All affected parties shall receive the results of adjudication no less than twelve (12) hours before the convention.
D. Credentials Committee. The Judicial Council shall act as the credentials committee. The committee shall have the assistance of the State Chairperson in providing facilities and staff assistance for its business.
E. Finality of Decision. There can be no appeal of the decision of a state convention on a report of the Judicial Council.