12-12. Elections.
A. Ward Elections. If ward elections are to be held, they shall be held according to Rules 18-5 and 186.A.1 before the precinct elections. Nominations and election of ward officers shall be in order of descending rank; e.g., Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, and Standing Committee members. The Ward Chairperson is an automatic member of the County Central Committee. The election of ward officers is not subject to the requirement of equal division of men and women (Appendix A).
B. Precinct Elections. In counties where precinct organizations exist, if a precinct is entitled to only one County Central Committee member, precinct elections shall be conducted in the same manner as ward elections, and the elected Precinct Chairperson shall be the County Central Committee member. If a precinct is entitled to more than one County Central Committee member an election shall be held according to Rules 18-5 and 18-6.A.2 as the first order of business. The Precinct Chairperson shall be the person from the list of candidates receiving the highest number of votes in this election. The Vice-Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected according to Rules 18-5 and 18-6.A.1 and need not be County Central Committee members. The election of precinct officers is not subject to the requirement of equal division of men and women (Appendix A).