A. Certification. Where delegates have been elected at ward or precinct meetings the County Secretary shall certify the names and addresses of the delegates from their respective wards or precincts. The certification shall be delivered to the County Chairperson and the chairperson of the Convention Credentials/Rules Committee, at least twenty-four (24) hours before the County Convention convenes, or such earlier time as county rules may provide.
B. Challenges. A challenge to a ward's (or precinct's) delegates or alternate delegates may be issued only by a registered Democrat within that ward (or precinct if wards do not exist). Any challenge to the certified delegates and alternate delegates to a County Convention shall be made in writing, and delivered to the County Chairperson or any of the Vice-Chairpersons at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the convention or such earlier time as county rules may provide. Challenges shall be referred to the Convention Credentials and Rules Committee. The challenge shall specify the charges and identify by name and address the challengers and those challenged.
C. Adjudication of Challenges. If challenges have been filed, the Convention Credentials and Rules Committee shall convene no more than twenty-four (24) hours before the convention at a site designated by the County Chairperson with notice to all affected parties. After the hearing, the Committee shall report to the convention the names and addresses of delegates and alternate delegates who it believes are entitled to participate in the convention. No challenged delegation may vote upon its own challenge when the convention considers the report of the Committee. Each challenge, recommendation and minority report of the Committee shall be considered separately.