10-8. Vacancies in County Offices and State Central Committee
A. A vacancy exists in a county office or in the State Central Committee when the officer or committee member:
1. is removed in accordance with Rule 10-7.
2. ceases to reside in the county from which the person was elected.
3. resigns or dies. or when the office in question had not been filled initially at the scheduled election.
B. A vacancy may also occur in the State Central Committee, if county rules so provide, if a State Central Committee member fails to attend more than one State Central Committee meetings without issuing a proxy. In such cases county rules shall govern the procedures for removal and the filling of the vacancy.
C. If a vacancy exists in the office of County Chairperson or First Vice-Chairperson, the highest ranking county officer shall call a meeting of the County Central Committee within sixty (60) days to fill the vacancy.
D. If a vacancy exists in the office of Second Vice-Chairperson, Secretary, or Treasurer, the Chairperson shall appoint a replacement within thirty (30) days.
E. If vacancies exist among twenty percent (20%) or more of the members of the State Central Committee, the County Chairperson shall call a meeting of the County Central Committee within sixty (60) days to fill the vacancies for the unexpired terms, or the vacancies may be filled as otherwise provided in the county rules.