10-3. Chairperson - Powers and Duties
The County Chairperson shall:
A. be the chief executive of the County Party.
B. preside over all meetings of the County Central Committee and the County Executive Committee, and shall participate in the proceedings of all other committees including the making of motions and voting unless otherwise stated in these rules. He/she shall not be counted in determining the quorum (Rule 19) of any committee nor count as one of the specified number of committee members unless otherwise stated in these rules.
C. have general management of all County Party affairs and county election campaigns.
D. have the power to appoint any committees which the Chairperson deems necessary or which the County Central Committee may authorize.
E. apportion the County Central Committee in accordance with Rule 9-2.C.3.
F. refrain from using his/her office to advance the cause of any individual candidate, including himself/herself, for office in the Democratic Primary Election.
G. be responsible to the State Chairperson for implementation of the Affirmative Action Plan according to Appendix B.III.B.
H. appoint ward and/or precinct officers and County Central Committee members when new precincts or wards are created in accordance with New Mexico law and applicable Democratic Party Rules (Rule 128C).