Dear Readers,
It is my belief that transparency of process in the Democratic Party is what makes us a democratic party and that disagreements, like competition, when respectfully aired and dealt with on the merits of the issues make for a stronger party.
To that end, I am publishing a letter forwarded to me two days ago from Democrat Bonnie Korman of Taos County, to Brian Colon, the new chairman of the Democratic Party of New Mexico, regarding a challenge to the Democratic Party of Taos County's election of party officers.
Gideon Elliot
May 5, 2007
Brian Colon, Chairman
Democratic Party of New Mexico
500 Marquette Ave., NW, Suite 700
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102
Dear Mr. Colon,
Congratulations on your election to the NMDP Chair.
I know there is optimism in some quarters that you can restore fairness and trust in our state party. After the last weeks in Taos, however, and the debacle of the Taos County Central elections, and the Credentials meeting, I have to tell you there has been significant damage to the local party here and even greater loss of credibility for the DPNM leadership.
Let me introduce myself. I am a 35- year plus resident of Taos and lifelong Democrat, former SCC member, current CCC member. In the last two election cycles I campaigned for a presidential candidate, then coordinated the volunteers at the Taos County Dem HQ. With a few other progressives, including Billy Knight (former Taos County Chair), we also organized a grass roots campaign for Kerry, as well as participating in the coordinated Kerry effort.
In '06 I assisted in the unprecedented (for a mid- term election) Taos County HQ again, and feel proud of our outstanding success for the state, local and national campaigns. Much of this effort was originated by Billy Knight, once again, and joined by many in our grass roots progressive group, consisting mainly of very loyal, active Dems. We also engaged a wider spectrum of traditional Taos Democrats with a long legacy of political participation.
But in the spring of '07, much has gone wrong and fallen apart in the Taos party, starting with precinct elections. The opposition to Billy Knight, Chuby Tafoya, and his followers, organized a very strong campaign and really inspired a lot of people to support him at the individual precinct level. However, the tactics used were all about rule- breaking, changing votes, registering voters illegally, cheating, and intimidation-- to name a few.
While the situation after the precinct elections seemed shockingly bad, and utterly against all democratic principles and rules, the worst was to come. Billy Knight's followers went to great length, following the proper procedures, to document challenges to the outcomes in several precincts. The challenges were ignored and the entire credentialing process was subverted, requiring a separate Credentials meeting. The state DPNM leaders were requested to oversee and conduct a Credentials meeting where challenges could be heard.
At this point, in my opinion, the entire process reached its nadir. The Credentials meeting and ensuing challenges was orchestrated by Robert Beck, Matt Farrauto, and Joe Casados as a complete kangaroo court-- denying all challenges and motions from Billy Knight's supporters and even denying speech of witnesses with signed affidavits. Elected CCC members and other participating Democrats were ridiculed, intimidated and denied a hearing. The only challenge by Chuby Tafoya was his own precinct, and it was not only upheld, but disqualified all the CCC electors from that precinct, one of Taos' largest.
I would like to say I am experienced enough in life, and the politics of northern NM, so as not to be easily surprised or shocked, but I admit here, I have been stunned by the reckless disregard of the rules, of loyal, honest Democrats' participation in the process, and of common decency and civility. I spoke directly to Mr. Farrauto and Mr. Casados at the Credentials meeting and stated my opinion that their conduct and leadership of the meeting was a sham and shameful. Furthermore, I pointed out that at least half of the crowd had left the farce they dared call a Credentials meeting. And I feel very confident that most of those who left are not coming back to participate with the Democrats in Taos.
I know this because quite a few people have said so.
My views have not altered, but have instead intensified with the repeat performance of the Judicial Council appeal last week in Albuquerque, featuring many of the same actors, including Robert Beck, Matt Farrauto, and John Wertheim. It is simply not acceptable that the unprincipled, illegal tactics and actions of some Taos Democrats should be encouraged and legitimized at the highest level of the NM Democratic Party.
My question to you in your new leadership position is this: what is your response? The DPNM has alienated and betrayed some of the most, energetic, effective, committed Democrats in Taos County, which means, in New Mexico. What is your plan for redress of our grievances?
Bonnie Korman,
CCC member, Taos County
PO Box 80,
Taos, NM 87571
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